:= {Blind} #AllowSameLineComments #ClipboardTimeout #CommentFlag #Delimiter #DerefChar #ErrorStdOut #EscapeChar #HotkeyInterval #HotkeyModifierTimeout #Hotstring #If #IfTimeout #IfWinActive #IfWinExist #IfWinNotActive #IfWinNotExist #Include #IncludeAgain #InputLevel #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook #KeyHistory #LTrim #MaxHotkeysPerInterval #MaxMem #MaxThreads #MaxThreadsBuffer #MaxThreadsPerHotkey #MenuMaskKey #NoEnv #NoTrayIcon #Persistent #SingleInstance #UseHook #Warn #WinActivateForce A_AhkPath A_AhkVersion A_AppData A_AppDataCommon A_AutoTrim A_BatchLines A_CaretX A_CaretY A_ComputerName A_ControlDelay A_Cursor A_DD A_DDD A_DDDD A_DefaultMouseSpeed A_Desktop A_DesktopCommon A_DetectHiddenText A_DetectHiddenWindows A_EndChar A_EventInfo A_ExitReason A_FileEncoding A_FormatFloat A_FormatInteger A_Gui A_GuiControl A_GuiControlEvent A_GuiEvent A_GuiHeight A_GuiWidth A_GuiX A_GuiY A_Hour A_IconFile A_IconHidden A_IconNumber A_IconTip A_Index A_IPAddress1 through 4 A_Is64bitOS A_IsAdmin A_IsCompiled A_IsCritical A_IsPaused A_IsSuspended A_IsUnicode A_KeyDelay A_Language A_Language Values A_LastError A_LineFile A_LineNumber A_LoopField A_LoopFileAttrib A_LoopFileDir A_LoopFileExt A_LoopFileFullPath A_LoopFileLongPath A_LoopFileName A_LoopFileShortName A_LoopFileShortPath A_LoopFileSize A_LoopFileSizeKB A_LoopFileSizeMB A_LoopFileTimeAccessed A_LoopFileTimeCreated A_LoopFileTimeModified A_LoopReadLine A_LoopRegKey A_LoopRegName A_LoopRegSubKey A_LoopRegTimeModified A_LoopRegType A_MDay A_Min A_MM A_MMM A_MMMM A_Mon A_MouseDelay A_MSec A_MyDocuments A_Now A_NowUTC A_NumBatchLines A_OSType A_OSVersion A_PriorHotkey A_PriorKey A_ProgramFiles A_Programs A_ProgramsCommon A_PtrSize A_RegView A_ScreenDPI A_ScreenHeight A_ScreenWidth A_ScriptDir A_ScriptFullPath A_ScriptHwnd A_ScriptName A_Sec A_Space A_StartMenu A_StartMenuCommon A_Startup A_StartupCommon A_StringCaseSense A_Tab A_Temp A_ThisFunc A_ThisHotkey A_ThisLabel A_ThisMenu A_ThisMenuItem A_ThisMenuItemPos A_TickCount A_TimeIdle A_TimeIdlePhysical A_TimeSincePriorHotkey A_TimeSinceThisHotkey A_TitleMatchMode A_TitleMatchModeSpeed A_UserName A_WDay A_WinDelay A_WinDir A_WorkingDir A_YDay A_Year A_YWeek A_YYYY abbreviation expansion Abs() absolute value, abs() Acknowledgements ACos() activate a window ActiveX controls (GUI) add Address of a variable administrator privileges for scripts ahk_class ahk_exe ahk_group ahk_id ahk_pid ahk2exe AllowSameLineComments alnum alpha AltGr AltTab AlwaysOnTop (WinSet) append to file Arrays Asc() ASCII conversion ASin() assigning values to variables ATan() attributes of files and folders auto-execute section auto-replace text as you type it AutoIt v2 compatibility AutoTrim balloon tip base (Objects) beep the PC speaker between (check if var between two values) Bind method (Func object) bitwise operations blind-mode Send BlockInput blocks (lines enclosed in braces) BoundFunc object Break buffering built-in functions built-in variables Button controls (GUI) button list (mouse and joystick) button state ByRef Call method (Func object) callbacks case sensitive strings Catch Ceil() Changelog Checkbox controls (GUI) choose file choose folder Chr() class (Objects) class name of a window Click a mouse button Clipboard ClipboardAll ClipWait Clone method (Object) close a window CLSID List (My Computer, etc.) color names, RGB/HTML color of pixels COM ComboBox controls (GUI) comma operator (multi-statement) command line parameters commands, alphabetical list CommentFlag comments in scripts ComObj...() ComObjActive() ComObjArray() ComObjConnect() ComObjCreate() ComObjError() ComObjFlags() ComObjGet() ComObjQuery() ComObjType() ComObjValue() Compatibility compile a script ComSpec concatenate, in expressions concatenate, script lines context menu (GUI) continuation sections Continue Control ControlClick ControlFocus ControlGet ControlGetFocus ControlGetPos ControlGetText ControlMove ControlSend ControlSendRaw ControlSetText convert a script to an EXE coordinates CoordMode copy file copy folder/directory Cos() create file create folder/directory Critical current directory current thread cursor shape custom combination hotkeys Custom controls (GUI) dates and times (compare) dates and times (math) dates and times (of files) DateTime controls (GUI) debugger debugging a script decimal places delete files delete folder/directory Delete method (Object) Delimiter DerefChar DetectHiddenText DetectHiddenWindows dialog FileSelectFile dialog FileSelectFolder dialog InputBox dialog MsgBox digit disk space divide (math) DllCall() download a file DPI scaling drag and drop (GUI windows) drag the mouse Drive DriveGet DriveSpaceFree DropDownList controls (GUI) Dynamic function calls Edit Edit controls (GUI) Else Enumerator object EnvAdd EnvDiv EnvGet environment variables environment variables (change them) EnvMult EnvSet EnvSub EnvUpdate ErrorLevel ErrorStdOut escape sequence EscapeChar Exception() Exit ExitApp Exp() expressions ExtractInteger -> NumGet() False FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file attributes File object file or folder (does it exist) file pattern file, creating file, reading file, writing/appending FileAppend FileCopy FileCopyDir FileCreateDir FileCreateShortcut FileDelete FileEncoding FileExist() FileGetAttrib FileGetShortcut FileGetSize FileGetTime FileGetVersion FileInstall FileMove FileMoveDir FileOpen FileRead FileReadLine FileRecycle FileRecycleEmpty FileRemoveDir FileSelectFile FileSelectFolder FileSetAttrib FileSetTime Finally find a file find a string find a window floating point (check if it is one) floating point (SetFormat) Floor() focus folder/directory copy folder/directory create folder/directory move folder/directory remove folder/directory select Fonts For-loop format (defaults) Format() FormatTime free space FTP uploading example Func object Func() functions (defining and calling) functions (libraries) g-label (responding to GUI events) game automation GetAddress method (Object) GetCapacity method (Object) GetKeyName() GetKeySC() GetKeyState GetKeyState() GetKeyVK() global variables in functions Gosub Goto GroupActivate GroupAdd GroupBox controls (GUI) GroupClose GroupDeactivate Gui Gui control types Gui styles reference GuiClose (label) GuiContextMenu (label) GuiControl GuiControlGet GuiDropFiles (label) GuiEscape (label) GuiSize (label) HasKey method (Object) hexadecimal format hibernate or suspend hidden text hidden windows HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_USERS hook Hotkey Hotkey command Hotkey controls (GUI) Hotkey, ListHotkeys Hotkey, other features HotkeyInterval HotkeyModifierTimeout hotstrings and auto-replace HTML color names HWND (of a control) HWND (of a window) icon, changing ID number for a window If If (expression) If var [not] between Low and High If var [not] in/contains MatchList If var is [not] type IfEqual IfExist IfGreater IfGreaterOrEqual IfInString IfLess IfLessOrEqual IfMsgBox IfNotEqual IfNotExist IfNotInString IfWinActive IfWinExist IfWinNotActive IfWinNotExist IL_Add() IL_Create() IL_Destroy() Image Lists (GUI) ImageSearch Include infrared remote controls IniDelete IniRead IniWrite Input InputBox Insert method (Object) InsertAt method (Object) InsertInteger -> NumPut() Install Installer Options InstallKeybdHook InstallMouseHook InStr() integer (check if it is one) integer (SetFormat) Interrupt IsByRef() IsFunc() IsLabel() IsObject() Join (continuation sections) Joystick JScript, embedded/inline key list (keyboard, mouse, joystick) key state keyboard hook KeyHistory keystrokes, sending KeyWait labels last found window Length method (File object) Length method (Object) length of a string libraries of functions license line continuation ListBox controls (GUI) ListHotkeys ListLines ListVars ListView controls (GUI) ListView, getting text from Ln() lnk (link/shortcut) file local variables Locale Log() logarithm, log() logoff long file name (converting to) Loop Loop (until) Loop (while) Loop, Files and folders Loop, Parse a string Loop, Read file contents Loop, Reg (registry) lParam LTrim (continuation sections) LTrim() LV_Add() LV_Delete() LV_DeleteCol() LV_GetCount() LV_GetNext() LV_GetText() LV_Insert() LV_InsertCol() LV_Modify() LV_ModifyCol() LV_SetImageList() macro math operations (expressions) MaxHotkeysPerInterval MaxIndex() MaxThreads MaxThreadsBuffer MaxThreadsPerHotkey Menu Menu Bar (GUI) Menu Icon message list (WM_*) messages, receiving messages, sending meta-functions (Objects) MinIndex() Mod() modal (always on top) modulo, mod() MonthCal controls (GUI) mouse hook mouse speed mouse wheel MouseClick MouseClickDrag MouseGetPos MouseMove move a window move file move folder/directory MsgBox multiply mute (changing it) NewEnum method (Object) NoTimers NoTrayIcon number number format NumGet NumPut ObjAddRef() ObjBindMethod() ObjClone() ObjDelete() Object functions and methods Objects (general information) ObjGetAddress() ObjGetCapacity() ObjHasKey() ObjInsert() ObjInsertAt() ObjLength() ObjMaxIndex() ObjMinIndex() ObjNewEnum() ObjPop() ObjPush() ObjRawSet() ObjRelease() ObjRemove() ObjRemoveAt() ObjSetCapacity() OnClipboardChange OnExit OnMessage() open file operators in expressions Ord() OutputDebug OwnDialogs (GUI) Owner of a GUI window parameters passed into a script parse a string (Loop) parse a string (StringSplit) Pause performance of scripts Picture controls (GUI) PID (Process ID) PixelGetColor PixelSearch play a sound or video file Pop method (Object) PostMessage power (exponentiation) prefix and suffix keys print a file priority of a process priority of a thread Process ProgramFiles Progress Progress controls (GUI) properties (Objects) properties of a file or folder Push method (Object) quit script Radio controls (GUI) Random RawRead method (File object) RawWrite method (File object) read file Read method (File object) READONLY reboot Reference-Counting REG_BINARY REG_DWORD REG_EXPAND_SZ REG_MULTI_SZ REG_SZ RegDelete RegEx: Callouts RegEx: Quick Reference RegEx: SetTitleMatchMode RegEx RegExMatch() RegExReplace() RegisterCallback() registry loop RegRead Regular Expression Callouts regular expressions: Quick Reference regular expressions: RegExMatch() regular expressions: RegExReplace() regular expressions: SetTitleMatchMode RegEx RegWrite Reload remap joystick remap keys or mouse buttons remote controls, hand-held remove folder/directory Remove method (Object) RemoveAt method (Object) rename file resize a window restart the computer Return RGB color names RGB colors Round() rounding a number RTrim() Run RunAs RunWait SB_SetIcon() SB_SetParts() SB_SetText() scan code scientific notation Script Showcase Scripts select file select folder Send SendEvent sending data between scripts SendInput SendLevel SendMessage SendMode SendPlay SendRaw SetBatchLines SetCapacity method (Object) SetCapsLockState SetControlDelay SetDefaultMouseSpeed SetEnv SetFormat SetKeyDelay SetMouseDelay SetNumLockState SetRegView SetScrollLockState SetStoreCapslockMode SetTimer SetTitleMatchMode SetWinDelay SetWorkingDir short file name (8.3 format) short-circuit boolean evaluation shortcut file Shutdown Silent Install/Uninstall Sin() SingleInstance size of a file/folder size of a window Sleep Slider controls (GUI) Sort SoundBeep SoundGet SoundGetWaveVolume SoundPlay SoundSet SoundSetWaveVolume space speed of a script spinner control (GUI) SplashImage SplashTextOff SplashTextOn SplitPath splitting long lines Sqrt() standard library standard output (stdout) static variables StatusBar controls (GUI) StatusBarGetText StatusBarWait StrGet() string (search for) string: InStr() string: SubStr() StringCaseSense StringGetPos StringLeft StringLen StringLower StringMid StringReplace StringRight StringSplit StringTrimLeft StringTrimRight StringUpper StrLen() StrPut() StrReplace() StrSplit() structures, via DllCall styles for GUI command SubStr() subtract Super-global variables Suspend suspend or hibernate SysGet Tab controls (GUI) Tan() terminate a window terminate script ternary operator (?:) Text controls (GUI) Thread threads Throw time Timer (timed subroutines) times and dates (compare) times and dates (math) times and dates (of files) title of a window ToolTip Transform transparency of a window tray icon tray menu (customizing) TrayTip TreeView controls (GUI) Trim Trim() True Try Tutorial TV_Add() TV_Delete() TV_Get() TV_GetChild() TV_GetCount() TV_GetNext() TV_GetParent() TV_GetPrev() TV_GetSelection() TV_GetText() TV_Modify() TV_SetImageList() Unicode text and clipboard Until UpDown controls (GUI) URLDownloadToFile UseHook user (run as a different user) user library variables, assigning to variables, built-in variables, comparing them variables, ListVars variables, MAIN variables, type of data variadic functions variants (duplicate hotkeys and hotstrings) VarSetCapacity() VBScript, embedded/inline version of a file virtual key volume (changing it) wait (sleep) wait for a key to be released or pressed Wheel hotkeys for mouse Wheel, simulating rotation While-loop whitespace wildcards (for files & folders) WinActivate WinActivateBottom WinActivateForce WinActive() Winamp automation WinClose window group window messages WinExist() WinGet WinGetActiveStats WinGetActiveTitle WinGetClass WinGetPos WinGetText WinGetTitle WinHide WinKill WinLIRC, connecting to WinMaximize WinMenuSelectItem WinMinimize WinMinimizeAll WinMinimizeAllUndo WinMove WinRestore WinSet WinSetTitle WinShow WinSize (via WinMove) WinTitle WinWait WinWaitActive WinWaitClose WinWaitNotActive WM_* (Windows messages) WM_COPYDATA working directory wParam write file Write method (File object) WS_* (GUI styles) XButton YYYYMMDDHH24MISS
©2003-2014 Chris Mallett, portions ©AutoIt Team and the AHK community
한글판 johjnsonj 151111
Software License: GNU General Public License
중요한 고지 사항
AutoHotkey 1.0과 AutoHotkey 1.1 사이의 근본적인 차이 때문에 (특히 유니코드와 x64 실행파일에서),
AutoHotkey 1.0으로 작성된 스크립트는 AutoHotkey 1.1 위에서 예상대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.
알려진 호환성 문제와 해결책에 관한 더 자세한 정보는 다음 링크를 참조하십시오:
빠른 참조
키보드와 마우스:
감사의 말
조나단 베네트(Jonathan Bennett)에게 특히 감사드립니다. 그는 넓은 마음으로 AutoIt v2를 1999년에 자유 소프트웨어로 배포해 주셨습니다. 그 덕분에 필자는 영감을 받았고 본인은 물론 세상의 모든 사람들은 시간을 절약하게 되었습니다. 게다가, 오토핫키의 개선 사항들을 AutoIt v2 명령어 세트에 적용해 주셨고, 뿐만 아니라 Window Spy 그리고 예전 스크립트 컴파일러를 AutoIt v3 소스 코드로부터 직접 적용해 주셧습니다. 그래서 존과 그의 AutoIt 저자들에게도 감사의 말씀을 전하는 바입니다.
마지막으로, AutoHotkey는 오늘날 이 분들이 없었다면 존재하지 못했을 것입니다.
~ Chris Mallett(크리스 멀릿)